So Where do I fit in?

I am the a mother of four beautiful children, the eldest of ten children of an unconventional 80's family, grandaughter of a two child family, and great-granddaugther of an eight child family. We are a unique and yet still highly typical American family.

I have been blessed to be exposed to so many generations of women and so many facets of history, from the greatest generation, to the modern feminist generation, to the slightly adrift 80's generation, and now as a millenial with her own children. God help me, but it makes for a confusing life.

So how am I to reconcile the need for a traditional nuclear family with the need of a career and self fulfillment? Well as I struggle through it all, I just have to say. Damn you women of the past! Do you even know how frustrating it is be alive under your influence?!

But how can I be upset with any of them? How? They all did what they thought was best for them and would be best for me. So now I am adrift in this vast sea of opportunity with lighthouses on many different shores, and all I want, is my own island somewhere in between. That is my journey.

I began this blog to chronicle my journey. It is for fun, and it is for a laugh. And if I can give anyone a smile or a companion in this journey all the better. Have Fun! That is what I always say....


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